Finally Learned How to Add Authors to the Blog

Hey Everyone!

So, just in case you were wondering, the author of the last few posts was me (Gloria) and not my mom (Phyllis).  At first, it just said that the author of the posts was “pjjewelerydesign,” but I wanted the readers to be able to differentiate between the posts that I write and the posts that my mom writes.  I didn’t want any confusion when I write something about my mom…people might start thinking that my mom is writing about my grandmother, and that this jewelry-making team spans three generations.  Although, now that I think about it, that would be pretty cool!  We could change our name to “Two-Glorias-and-a-Phyllis Jewelry Design.”  The name doesn’t exactly roll of the tongue, but the concept is pretty cute, don’t you think?

So while the first three posts say that the author was “Phyllis,” they were actually written by me.  Hopefully, there will no longer be any confusion as to who’s writing to you guys. 😉

In other, off-topic jewelry related news, I pierced my heel yesterday.  Yeah.  I opened up my jewelery box, and a bunch of earrings fell out onto the floor.  I picked up most of them, but then I took a step forward and suddenly felt a sting in my heel.  It was a tiny little stud that I had missed, and it was all the way in my heel.   I was pretty surprised, since I’ve been barefoot running for the past few months, and the bottom of my foot is mostly callus at this point.  I couldn’t believe that a tiny little earring was actually able to break the skin.  While my little heel piercing was pretty cute (and unique), I decided to let it close up a few minutes after piercing it because I felt like it wasn’t really my style, you know?  Also, I like being able to run/walk without pain. 😛

Posted on June 7, 2011, in Uncategorized and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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