Author Archives: Phyllis

The wire-wrapped necklace is finished!!!

The necklace I described in yesterday's post...more pictures will be available on the website soon!

After working into the wee hours of the night, my mom finished her necklace!  We’re both very excited about this one.  It reminds me of something a mermaid might wear, lol.  My mom is also finishing up another pearl wire-wrapped necklace, and she says she already has ideas for another one (which is kind of unusual, since she doesn’t do this type of jewelry all that often).

In other news, we just wanted to inform you our new promotion at  If you type in, and click “Register,” you can become a member of our site!  This will make it a little bit easier for us to contact you about sales and new products (we promise we won’t send you any spam).  Members will receive a 10% discount on any product on the week of their birthday, and members will also have the opportunity to purchase our new products–at a 5% discount–a full week before anyone else will!  Sign up today!

Making a Necklace…Twice?

One difficulty that my mom and I have encountered several times over while making jewelry is that sometimes, no matter how much time you spend on a project, the finished product is just not what you wanted it to be.  Those cute earrings you made?  One ends up being longer than the other.  That bracelet you’ve been slaving over for the last few days?  Turns out, the pretty crystals you added make it very uncomfortable to wear.  Sometimes, when this happens, you have no choice but to start over, and that can be very discouraging.

My mom just spent the last few days working on a beautiful wire wrap necklace.  This necklace has an alternating pattern of abalone shells that have been dipped in Swarovski crystal solution, freshwater pearls, and Swarovski crystals.   I’m telling you, this necklace is gorgeous. Wire-wrapped necklaces are some of my mom’s best sellers (the necklaces she has previously made haven’t even made it onto the website because she always has immediate offers for them), but they take a very long time to make, so she doesn’t make them all that often.

Well, this morning, my mom told me that she thinks she will have to redo the necklace.  She doesn’t think that the size of the wire-wrapped loops is uniform enough.  I also made some suggestions about increasing the length of the necklace while also reducing the size of the pendant.  This means that she is starting the necklace over.  From scratch. Ughhhh.

This comes with the jewelry making territory, though.  I have several pairs of earrings that I have to remake before I can post them onto the website.  Sometimes, I have to make about five different attempts to come up with a pair of earcuffs that actually match each other.  That being said, there is something wonderful about putting time and effort into something and coming out with an end result that is so…pretty!  That little bit of bling makes it all worth it!  🙂

Hello world!

Hello everyone!  Welcome to the PJ Jewelry Design blog!  Allow us to introduce ourselves… we are Phyllis and Gloria, a mother-and-daughter jewelry designing team.  We’ve been making jewelry for a long time as a hobby, and recently, we’ve started selling our jewelry online (  We love all things jewelry, and so we decided to start blogging about it!

In this blog, we’ll be discussing our new projects, new ideas, jewelry we’re inspired by, and a few other things that we fins interesting.  Our focus is jewelry, but nothing is off limits. 😉

Thanks for stopping by!